The RIEP (Refrigerant Inventories and Emissions Previsions) software was developed at the CES to assess direct refrigerant emissions coming from refrigeration and air conditioning applications (domestic refrigeration, commercial refrigeration, transports, industry, stationary air conditioning systems, chillers, heat pumps and mobile air conditioning systems) at a national or regional level. Those emissions are the refrigerant emissions occurring during refrigerant manufacturing and distribution, equipment manufacturing and distribution, equipment use and servicing and disposal.
RIEP allows evaluating not only emissions but also banks (or quantities of refrigerant in the installed base of equipment), demands (or consumptions), as well as recovered amounts of refrigerants. All types of refrigerants are covered: CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs , HCs, ammonia and CO2.
RIEP calculation method is based on a bottom-up approach as defined in the "Tier2" methodology of the IPCC Guidelines 2000 (UNEP, 2000). It was improved on different levels to take into account retrofit operations, particularities in servicing operations for mobile air conditioning, and survival curves for equipment.
1 - Choose a model database, depending on the country to be studied.
2 - Access and visualize all the assumptions. For each subapplication you can access the default values evolution of all the parameters. You can modify them using your knowledge, expertise, data and country specifications.
3 - Complete the required statistics: markets and production of equipment by subapplication. Model databases do not include data regarding markets and production. You have to use national statistic data or estimate them.
1 - Modify the input data of the model database using the RIEP online interface.
2 - Perform RIEP Calculations -> RIEP
3 - Choose the results you need from the proposed list.
4 - Load the result files on your computer.
5 - Visualize the results and compare them to the Emission Database results or reported data.