For each subapplication, the evolution of the fugitive emissions rate and the recovery rate at end-of-life operation have to be provided to perform calculations. Model Databases include their evolutions by year for each subapplication.
The fugitive emission rate represents the quantities of refrigerant lost during lifetime of equipment. Except in the case of mobile air conditioning, this rate includes losses at servicing. Models are proposed by groups of countries. Unit is % per year.
Fugitive Emission rates models by subapplication of Stationnary Air Conditioning Sector. European Model. |
Air-to-air air-conditioning systems sector is split in a number of different equipment types according to the technology and the refrigeration capacity.
Except in the case of portable and window systems, which have especially low historical emission rates, models take into account a strong decreasing trend since the 2000s.
The 2010 levels have been validated by equipment manufacturers. |
In the case of chillers with centrifugal compressors, fugitive emission rates have been established per refrigerant. Unit is % per year.
In the case of mobile air conditioning systems for automotive vehicles, the fugitive emission rate, expressed in g/yr, is made of two parts: regular emissions and irregular ones (see methodology).
Based on published data or expert estimations, models of recovery efficiency at end-of-life of equipment evolutions are proposed. They represent the losses of refrigerant during decommissioning of equipment, in a percentage of the residual refrigerant charge.
Recovery Efficiency at end of life of equipment by subapplication - EU15. |
In the case of France, the European model has been adjusted according to available data from end-of-life sector, including trends given by specialists.
For instance, in domestic refrigeration, each year, the French environmental agency (ADEME) publishes the "DEEE" annual report with the quantities of CFCs and HFCs recovered from recycled refrigerators. Thus, the recovery efficiency can be calculated, knowing the quantities of refrigerants which are supposed to reach their end of life, and the evolution of the curve can be adjusted. |