RIEP (Refrigerant Inventories and Emission Previsions) calculation method is based on a bottom-up approach as defined in the "Tier2" methodology of the IPCC Guidelines 2000. It was improved on different levels to take into account retrofit operations, particularities in servicing operations for mobile air conditioning, and survival curves for equipment.
Databases for different countries are created and updated annually or periodically. These databases include all required activity data and emission factors for up to 43 RAC sub-applications. The French database was built in 1998 and was enhanced and updated since then on a yearly basis. This database is used to establish the French National Refrigerant Inventories. Other databases are available at the European and global level for different countries or regions of countries.
In RIEP software, results of calculations can be exported to Microsoft Excel in different formats. The following outputs can be extracted from RIEP at the application or sub-application level:
The results "Total Demand", "Total emissions", "CO2 equivalent emissions" and "Bank" are currently exported to the Google Data Explorer format for ease of comparison among outputs, refrigerants, types of refrigerants or countries.