A Country Database is a database, with a specific format needed for the RIEP calculation, containing all the assumptions and statistics required for the refrigerant emissions calculation. For most part the subapplications, the parameters and data are:
- lifetime (average and survival curve)
- refrigerant charge or ratio
- refrigerant distribution on the market and on the production of new equipment
- markets and production of equipment (except for industry and commercial refrigeration)
- fugitive emission rate and recovery efficiency at end of life of equipment.
In the case of centralized commercial refrigeration,the calculation is based on the new retailing areas. In the case of the food industry, the calculation is based on food production and some specific ratios. Finally, a specific method has been developped for the mobile air conditioning. It implies more detailled emission rates and other parameters such as the part of nominal charge which is supposed to be emitted before servicing (%). Here, the required parameters are detailed, by subapplication. The emission rate at retrofit is supposed to be the same as the emission rate at end-of-life. Some parameters are supposed to be constant (emission rate at manufacturing, average lifetime).
The Center for Energy efficiency and Systems has been developing a global database for the refrigeration and air-conditioning application. This contains the required activity data and emission factors to establish the inventories of refrigerants for countries and regions. Based on this experience, model databases are proposed here by the CES.
You can choose a model database among those proposed in order to carry out an inventory study with RIEP. Each base contains, for all the subapplications taken into account, the evolution of all the assumptions needed to perform a calculation.
Explanations regarding the models for emission rates, refrigerant evolutions will be available to help you.
Some public statistic websites will also be referenced and methodologies to estimate missing data will be proposed to help the inventory performance.
Complete model databases are not yet available. The models of emissions factors have been released for some countries or regions and may be accessed.Other models will be progressively brought on line.